自驾游优缺点英语作文 您所在的位置:网站首页 自驾游 英语作文 自驾游优缺点英语作文


2024-07-04 19:42| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

『壹』 自驾旅游的优缺点,英语作文形式,观点明确,急急急!

Nowsdays many people like to travel in their own car. I like the way of travellling. First, it is very convenient. You can stop anywhere you like and enjoy the scenery and the food. Second, you do not need to warry about the time and the tickets. Third, you can always stay with your family and your friends. But it is a little dangerous. Also, it is a little tiring. You have to drive for a long time. So when you go out, at least, there are two drivers in your car.

『贰』 速求一篇讨论外出旅游优缺点的英语作文~!100词左右,高分奖励!

After hard work,holidays have come.It's the good time to relax.Going out is a good way to relax.You can either go to many tourist attractions at home and abroad to learn ancient culture or you can go on an excurtion to feel the beauties of the nature and have fun with friends or parents.Besides,going on an excurtion can make you breathe fresh air and find the nature so fantastic.However,at times,something bad may spoil your pleasure such as:things being stolen or lost,crowded plasces.Generally speaking,trips have advantages and disadvantages.You should be careful so as to have good time in enjoying your holidays

『叁』 大学生选择自驾游的原因和带来的问题,我的看法英语作文

About why students choose their drive to travel, I think for the following reasons.The first, college students feel convenient to drive, to slow without waiting for the bus.Second, college students can go to any places they want to go.But this may cause some problems.College students, for example, to drive out to cause traffic congestion;College students lack of driving experience, can easily in a car accident and so on.I think we should drive less go out to travel, so can rece traffic congestion, rece pollution emissions, can protect the environment.纯手打,满意请采纳,谢谢关于大学生为什么选择自己开车去旅游,我觉得有以下原因。第一,大学生觉得自己开车方便,不用等待速度慢的公交车。第二,大学生可以任意去自己想去的地方。但是这样也会带来一些问题。比如,大学生开车出去造成交通拥挤;大学生的驾驶经验不足,很容易发生车祸等。我觉得我们应该少自己开车出去旅行,这样可以减少交通拥挤,减少污染气体排放,可以保护环境。

『肆』 自驾游的看法英语作文怎么写


『伍』 关于自驾游优点的英语作文

Tourism, a smokeless instry, is developing rapidly in China. With the reform and opening –up policy being carried out,thousands upon thousands of foreign visitors are crowding into our country. They are eager to see this old mysterious land with asplendid culture of more than 5, 000 years. Tourism as a form of enterprise brings China a lot of benefits. In the fires place, it is financially beneficial to the economicdevelopment of China. As our know, China needs more and more foreign currencies for its modernization program. Tourism is one ofthe most important channels to obtain currencies. Secondly, tourism enables the Chinese people to know more about the outsideworld. On the other hand, the foreigners who have visited China are deeply impressed by the latest developments of out country and thefriendliness and hospitality of our people. Reports by visitors to China about how courteous and helpful most Chinese were to them areoften printed in newspapers of many different countries. It is clear that tourism contributes a great deal to the friendship and mutualunderstanding between the Chinese people and people all over the world. Everything, however, has two sides. Tourism gives rise to a number of problems. For instance, it becomes a burden to ourinefficient transportation system. Besides, the living standard of the average Chinese is still not high enough to be able to afford themany different sorts of expenses ring long distance travels. Therefore, there are still a lot of obstacles hindering the expansion oftourism in our country. As for me, with the developme ent of our national economy, all these problems will certainly be solved step by step. A much betterand brighter future awaits us. 译文旅游业----“无烟的工业”----正在中国迅速发展。随着改革开放政策的贯彻执行, 数以万计的外国游人涌入中国。他们渴望参观这个具有5000多年灿烂文化的神秘古国。 旅游业作为一种商业活动给中国带来许多好处。首先,在经济上它有利于我国经济的发展。正如你们所知道的,中国需要大量的外汇来执行现代化建设计划。旅游业是获得外汇的最重要的渠道之一。其次,旅游业是中国人民更多地了解外界。另一方面,访问过中国的外国人对我国的最新发展和我国人民的友好和殷勤留下了深刻的印象。世界各国的报纸经常刊登访问过中国的外国人所写的报道, 介绍中国人如何彬彬有礼、助人为乐。显然,旅游业大大促进了中国人民和世界人民之间的友谊和了解。 然而,事物总是一分为二的。旅游业也引起许多问题。例如,它增加了我国本来效率不高的运输系统的负担。此外,中国人民的生活水平还没有高到足以使普通中国人有钱支付长途旅行的各种开支。因此,仍然存在着许多障碍妨碍着旅游业的发展。 至于我,我相信,随着我国经济的发展,这些问题必将逐步得到解决。我们期望有一个更好更光明的未来。

『陆』 自驾游和组团游的比较好坏英语作文

Going on a Self-tour or a Package Tour With people's pursuing higher level of living quality, most of us are willing to spend the time traveling on vacation. Some people enjoy going on a self-tour to get more freedom. In contrast, those who against the idea claim that the package tour is more enjoyable. As far as I am concerned, I prefer to choose self-travel not only because it’ inexpensive but for its freedom of planning. To begin with, going on a self-tour saves more money than going a package tour in practice. A part of people believe that a tour arranged by a travel agent costs less on transportation and some discounts on accommodation and admission tickets. However, you have to spend money on some scenery spots which you don’t like but are included on your schele arranged by the travel agent. If you can’t enjoy yourself at the scenic spots, is it anything different than wasting money and time? Therefore, going on a self-tour spends less on the sight spots we don’t want to go. You will keep costs down and have a much more profound experience if you eat what the locals eat, sleep like the locals sleep and travel like the locals travel. Likewise, going on a self-tour is beneficial to arrange the trip freely. You can arrange your travel schele by yourself. You don’t need to get up early to start your trip any more, and you also don’t need to visit a specified place at specific times. It is self-tour that also strengthens our independence of make a choice. Indeed, the tour that transportation and food and lodging are no longer all deal with by travel agent and provided at an inclusive price needs us to make full preparation and check in advance, helping us to take initiative not only in journey but also our learning and living. It is claimed that self-tour will be the new tendency of the future Chinese travel market. In conclusion, going on a self-tour avoids encountering problems of package tour such us being forced to purchase any unnecessary commodity, giving more freedom of travel planning. Going on a trip arranged by ourselves will heighten our interest on traveling and really enjoy the meaning of travel.

『柒』 英语作文开车的利与弊带翻译

Recently years, with the rapid development in our country, more and more people own their private cars. Some people think that private cars should be restricted, while others think that private cars should be encouraged. As far as I concern, I think owning a private car has both advantages and disadvantages.最近几年,随着我国经济的快速发展,越来越多的人们拥有私家车。一些人认为应该禁止私家车,而一些人认为对其应该鼓励。就我看来,私家车有利有弊。On one hand, private cars do bring the owners convenience and comfortable. If you have a car, you don’t need to take the bus or subway to work. You can image how crowded and slow when you get on a bus, especially ring the rush hours. With your own car, you just don’t need to worry about this problem. What’s more, you can go to any places at any moment with your private car. Traveling by car is very comfortable and flexible. You can stop as you pleased and don’t need to worry about others feeling. I guess this is the biggest advantages of private cars. 一方面,私家车给车主们提供了方便和舒适。如果你有了车,就不用搭乘公车或者挤地铁上班了。你可以想象在上下班高峰期公车上是多么的拥挤,速度是多么的慢。有了车,你就不必担心这个问题了。更棒的是,你随时可以开着你的车到任何地方去。开着私家车去旅游方便又灵活。你想停就停,不用担心其他乘客的感受。我想,这就是私家车最大的好处吧。On the other hand, the disadvantages of private cars are obvious. The noises that proce by cars are unbearable, the exhaust gas that cars give off are bad for people’s health. With countless cars on the street, people find it becomes harder to find a parking spot. What’s worse, tens of thousands people are killed or injured in the traffic accidents.另一方面,私家车的缺点也显而易见。车子发出的噪音难以忍受,排出的尾气也对人的身体有害。不计其数的车涌入街头,人们发现找位置停车比以前困难多了。更为糟糕的是,成千上万的人死于或者在车祸中受伤。To sum up, private cars provide us with convenience as well as harm. Whether or not afford a private car depends on personal details.总的来说,私家车带给我们方便的同时,也带来了伤害。至于是不是要购买私家车,取决于个人情况。

『捌』 自驾游好处的英语作文

Tourism, a smokeless instry, is developing rapidly in China. With the reform and opening –up policy being carried out,thousands upon thousands of foreign visitors are crowding into our country. They are eager to see this old mysterious land with asplendid culture of more than 5, 000 years. Tourism as a form of enterprise brings China a lot of benefits. In the fires place, it is financially beneficial to the economicdevelopment of China. As our know, China needs more and more foreign currencies for its modernization program. Tourism is one ofthe most important channels to obtain currencies. Secondly, tourism enables the Chinese people to know more about the outsideworld. On the other hand, the foreigners who have visited China are deeply impressed by the latest developments of out country and thefriendliness and hospitality of our people. Reports by visitors to China about how courteous and helpful most Chinese were to them areoften printed in newspapers of many different countries. It is clear that tourism contributes a great deal to the friendship and mutualunderstanding between the Chinese people and people all over the world. Everything, however, has two sides. Tourism gives rise to a number of problems. For instance, it becomes a burden to ourinefficient transportation system. Besides, the living standard of the average Chinese is still not high enough to be able to afford themany different sorts of expenses ring long distance travels. Therefore, there are still a lot of obstacles hindering the expansion oftourism in our country. As for me, with the developme ent of our national economy, all these problems will certainly be solved step by step. A much betterand brighter future awaits us. 译文旅游业----“无烟的工业”----正在中国迅速发展。随着改革开放政策的贯彻执行, 数以万计的外国游人涌入中国。他们渴望参观这个具有5000多年灿烂文化的神秘古国。 旅游业作为一种商业活动给中国带来许多好处。首先,在经济上它有利于我国经济的发展。正如你们所知道的,中国需要大量的外汇来执行现代化建设计划。旅游业是获得外汇的最重要的渠道之一。其次,旅游业是中国人民更多地了解外界。另一方面,访问过中国的外国人对我国的最新发展和我国人民的友好和殷勤留下了深刻的印象。世界各国的报纸经常刊登访问过中国的外国人所写的报道, 介绍中国人如何彬彬有礼、助人为乐。显然,旅游业大大促进了中国人民和世界人民之间的友谊和了解。 然而,事物总是一分为二的。旅游业也引起许多问题。例如,它增加了我国本来效率不高的运输系统的负担。此外,中国人民的生活水平还没有高到足以使普通中国人有钱支付长途旅行的各种开支。因此,仍然存在着许多障碍妨碍着旅游业的发展。 至于我,我相信,随着我国经济的发展,这些问题必将逐步得到解决。我们期望有一个更好更光明的未来。

『玖』 旅游的优缺点和个人观点120字左右的英语作文

I like travlling a lot. It's one of my favourite hobbies.Travel is a learning experience. Seeing other parts of the world and immersing yourself in foreign cultures opens up your eyes in ways you never thought possible.Travel allows you to escape. Whether it’ from a hard study, a job you hate, or simply a boring life, sometimes you feel like you just need to get away. A change of enviroment is sometimes just what you need to get over from the "sickness of your current life" and to refresh yourself again.Besides , you can meet some new great friends through travelling. The best thing of travlling, which I think, is that it provides the opportunities for adventures. However, there are also some Pros of travelling. Sometimes it can be dangerous if you are going to visit a place which is not well developed or is just simply in the war. Travel can as well be quite costly, depends on where you are going. But as long as you plan your travel well in advance, I think you will enjoy the journey.

『拾』 英语作文--旅游的优缺点

advantages: broad your horizon; experience different cultures; get familiar with people from different placesdisadvantages: dangerous; if it's busy, waste your time; being cheated by some mischievous people.






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